After the success of the electronic gadget petting zoo with my school faculty and staff, the district office asked that I host one for all of the librarians in our district. I was thrilled. The petting zoo has evolved to include QR codes, more Kindles, a Nook Color, and iPod Touches. Also, the signs were upgraded and made beautiful by my colleague, Kristen Hearne. This was the first time we have met as a group this year and my first time meeting many of these ladies. We had a great time talking about the gadgets, sharing ideas and discussing the merits and weaknesses of Kindles and Nooks. After our time with the gadgets we made plans for librarian-led professional development for our district and we had a chance to voice our concerns with district administration. I hope this will encourage more collaboration between all 14 librarians. It was a productive meeting and I look forward to seeing our professional development plans come to life.
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