Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Read Your Way Across the USA

I loved this post and poster from Epic Reads.

While some of these titles are in my middle school library, many of them are for high school only. So my buddies and I were thinking of doing a middle school version, but we need help thinking of titles for each state. Please help out with a few suggestions. The spreadsheet is here.
We promise to share when its all together. Thanks for your help!


  1. I absolutely love this idea. I added a few for North Carolina for you. Please be sure to share your finished middle school version!

  2. I added Alabama Moon for Alabama. My middle schoolers, especially boys love it.

  3. Love this idea. I shamelessly added my own book, Lotto's Super-Awesome Unbelievable Park Adventure to Virginia. The kids in the book actually travel all over the country but are based and spend a good deal of time in VA. :)
